It's a safe bet that anywhere you look on the roads, you are sure to find a pothole after this winter. 2020 was sure to end with a surprise, and the brutal winter entering 2021 was the icing on the cake for many! With record-breaking snow in some areas resulting in an unprecedented number of potholes…

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Our vehicle's suspension system, otherwise known as shocks and struts, is something we often take for granted. Some people believe the suspension is mainly about having a smooth ride. Therefore these repairs aren't as necessary as other maintenance issues like oil changes or brakes. However, having bad…

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With gas prices remaining low, drivers should take advantage of their savings and invest it back into their vehicles. By spending a little now to increase fuel efficiency, drivers can multiply fuel savings and save more money at the pump. Engine Performance: Keep your car properly tuned to improve…

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Better Gas Mileage

June 17, 2020, 8:33 am Car Care Tips

Gas prices fluctuate over time, and throughout the counties in the area we are seeing various ranging prices. For the better of everyone, here are five tips to improve your fuel economy and save money at the pump! Check Tire Pressure: Keep tires properly inflated and improve gas mileage by up to 3.3…

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Follow this check-list for safe driving! Check lights and wipers for visibility. With shorter days and inclement weather ahead, make sure lights and wipers function properly so that you can see and be seen.  Check the exterior and interior lights and replace any that are dimming, rapidly blinking or…

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